About Me

My name is Elizabeth Coddington, but everyone that I have ever become remotely close to has called me Liddy. Yes, Liddy. Yes, two d's. No, I don't really know why people call me that. I'm from Hudson Valley, New York. I've never considered myself to be a small town girl, until I came to Penn State and realized that the village where I live is much smaller than this campus. I'm in the DUS here at Penn State because I have absolutely no idea what I want to study for the rest of my college career. I think anyone that does is extremely lucky or completely faking it.

I am who I am today because of my family and friends. My mom and dad are incredibly supportive and have blessed me with three younger sisters who I miss more than I ever thought I could. I have five girl friends who have never done me wrong and give me the necessary "girl time." I have an adorable English labrador puppy named Lucille Louise McGillicuddy waiting for me at home, as well as a boyfriend who has given me the best two years of my life. Some hobbies of mine include volleyball, basketball, napping and eating. However, I really don't think that my hobbies give anyone a true understanding of who I am as a person, and that is what this "About Me" is about, right?
Lucy, the fifth Coddington sister.

One of my favorite quotes, and one that I strive to live by, can start as the basis for the summation of my life. It is one spoken by an insanely cute, animated snail named Marcel. He says, "Know why I smile a lot? 'Cause it's worth it." 

I borrowed his words of wisdom for my senior quote, the so-called legacy that I am supposed to leave for my school. Who wouldn't want to be remembered as happy? When I first viewed the infamous Youtube video, I was obsessed with the carefree, simple humor used to charm over 7 million viewers. The quote was stuck in my head for weeks after, because it truly makes sense. I smile because life is too short not to. It is the little victories in life that make me happy, as corny as that may sound. 

I live for the dollar menu at McDonald's and have never counted a calorie in my life. (Don't hate me for not dieting, I am actually allergic to all wheat and Gluten products, so I am all too familiar with diet restrictions.) I hate ice cream, but will still go to the ice cream stand on a Friday night just to blast music in my car with my friends and take a road trip. Any type of cheese, cheese product or item topped with cheese... yes, please! I don't wear makeup often, due to a sheer lack of ability and effort. However, if my eyelashes look long and luscious, I feel unstoppable. Laughing is the greatest feeling in the world, but sometimes there is nothing greater than a good cry. Books can transport me to new worlds, and movies are my therapy. 

The little things in life keep me going and help me to never lose sight of the things that are truly important. The details that may seem insignificant to others are what define me as a person. I live for the details. 


  1. IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON TOO...my friends never know what im talking about when I quote him and its annoying :( hes so funny! Love your wallpaper by the way, its very cute!

  2. Thank you! Marcel the Shell is the cutest video I have ever seen, I'm so glad you know what it is! :)
